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            Much can be learned through a close examination of
the evolution of technologies
over time. From stone tools to hand held computers, technology has been assisting and affecting our lives for many centuries. As a sixth grade teacher in the state of Michigan, I have the pleasure of educating students on the changes that have been made with technology over time and how these tools have altered the way humans live. Several of my twelve year old students would define technology as something you can plug in because of the prior knowledge they have obtained. Each year, my students find it shocking when I name several of the technologies that were available or unavailable in years prior and define technology as the tools and skills people need to use them.
            It is only natural to notice and explore the ways that modern technology has improved and transformed human experiences on Earth over time, especially within the world of education. Recently, I was given the opportunity to introduce my grandma to my classroom and demonstrate each of the technologies within my classroom, specifically how they are used to deepen student learning. She was speechless and could not believe how greatly classroom technologies and the strategies used to teach with these technologies have progressed over time. She sat at my desk in awe of the interactive tools and features that are available to enhance daily lessons and activities today and claimed “what will they think of next?”
            Although I cannot predict which educational tools, features, and devices will be available in the future, I can promise to continue learning ways that these technologies can enhance student learning throughout my teaching career. I yearn to remain open-minded and explore new technological tools that surface throughout time. After being accepted into the MAET program, I found a quote by Steve Maraboli that caught my attention and directly related to my outlook on technology within education.  Maroboli’s quote states “Life is a balanced system of learning and evolution. Whether pleasure or pain; every situation in your life serves a purpose. It is up to us to recognize what that purpose could be.” This quote means a lot to me because it sums up the strengths, downfalls, changes, and relationships I have experienced with education and technology.
            The first portion of his quote “life is a balanced system of learning and evolution” reflects my outlook on technology within the field of education in a few ways. As a human being that has only been alive for less than three decades, I have personally experienced only a small portion of the evolution of several technologies within a classroom and how the teaching strategies of several educators have also evolved over time to integrate these new technologies. Although all humans adapt to changes differently, I find it important to remain aware of new technologies in education and adopt tools that will deepen student understanding of content, without hindering your teaching pedagogy. Rather than resist changes, I hope to continue expanding my knowledge of modern educational tools and evolve my teaching strategies to better implement these technologies. Whether I am learning newly available technologies or how to modify past lessons and activities, it is important that I continue to study from the past and present in order to improve the future.
            I have always believed that everything in life happens for a reason. Maroboli’s quote shines light on the fact that not all of our experiences with the relationship between learning and the evolution of technology will be pleasant. Teachers and students need to remain flexible and willing to experience the downfalls and celebrations within educational technology. Most assignments within the MAET program consisted of a reflection portion that allowed me to look back on what could be improved or altered once I implemented a specific tool into the classroom.  I have personally learned that not everything goes as planned within the realm of technology, but it is all about how I handle these bumps in the road and learn from the past. Instead of feeling defeated, I plan to continue overcoming these obstacles and move forward so that I can continue to evolve as an educator and teach to the best of my ability.
            As the end of my Master’s program nears, I plan to look for ways that I will continue to expand my knowledge on educational technology. The first strategy that comes to mind is collaboration. Throughout my MAET program, I have met a number of wonderful professors, instructors, and colleagues that I hope to remain in contact with. I have learned that sharing and exchanging tools, knowledge, and experiences is a great way to stay aware of modern technologies and how others are successfully implementing tools within the realm of education. Another plan of mine is to seek professional development opportunities for educational technology. There are several clinics and classes offered throughout the state that provide helpful hints, collaboration opportunities, and materials in order to keep educators up to date on the latest technologies available to enhance learning. Overall, I look forward to what the future brings and how the evolution of technology continues to enhance learning and improve the way I teach content each day so that every student receives a well-rounded education.

The Evolution of Technology

By: Carlie Ferschneider

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